After week one, we continued with the same plan we had been using. We used pull-ups at home, and rewarded her with stickers. The stickers worked well, we ran out and I had her pick out more, hoping that would make her excited about it!
We followed that routine for about 2 weeks, but unfortunately we were not as attentive to the potty training as we were the first week. We would stop a few times throughout the day, usually the same times everyday (after she wakes up, after nap, before bath) , but we didn't really stop her during playtime like I think we should have. I also didn't have her use the potty when we were out and about either.
So now that we are in week 3, she will almost always go when we put her on the potty, but it does not bother her one bit to pee or poop in her diaper. She will not stop and tell us she has to poop or pee. I have also not been stopping her playtime to try and go potty. I feel that if I become more attentive with it, she would be able to do it, but I have felt like we are always on the go, so I haven't been the very best potty trainer!
I have created a new "boring" sticker chart, which she is not all that excited about anymore. I may need to figure out a new reward plan to get her excited about it again! Hopefully we can get back into the swing of things soon!
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