We found this fun/educational activity the other day and thought we'd try it out!
All you need is playdoh and some straws cut into approximately 1 inch pieces. Use your finger or some other tool to draw a letter in the playdoh and let your little one "trace" it by sticking the straws along the line.
****note: small playdoh pieces get stuck in the bottom of the straws, my idea was to blow them out, which worked fine. Your toddler will probably copy you (mine did) and try the same thing! However, since my daughter is used to sucking on a straw she did that instead which may lead to a not so tasty snack! :) It's non-toxic right???
Think we made it through 4 letters when she decided she wanted to do her own pictures! But it was a quick and easy activity that allowed me a few minutes to feed my baby boy!
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