We probably did way more than we needed to, but it was easier to just put everything away and not have to worry about it later.
Friday afternoon I made some chicken chili (so yummy, I'll be sharing the recipe in a later post) so that I wouldn't have to worry about cooking to much this weekend! And cause I wanted to try a new recipe!
Saturday morning we took the dogs for a long walk since they will probably be penned up in the house for awhile. Shortly after we got home it started raining! So we started some of our rainy day activities! A new favorite, Hello Kitty Bingo! Says ages 4 and up on the box, but it is perfect for a 2 year old!
It's one of the first games she actually played correctly instead of just playing with all the pieces!
As you can see in the picture we played with many other toys all morning as most of them are thrown all over her room! Sure is going to be a long weekend in the house!
But the very very best part of my day was that my "little baby" fell asleep in my arms WHILE I was reading her a story! She never ever does that anymore! Made my day! :)
I then got to clean the house and do laundry while both my little loves took naps! You can be certain I will be napping tomorrow while someone else is cleaning :)
Stay safe everyone! Looks like it won't be as bad as they thought! Just ALOT of rain! Thank goodness for a bouncy house that fits in our basement!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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