After quite a busy birthday week, I finally had a chance to sit down to write/read blogs!
My "little baby" turned 2 this week! I still can't believe she is 2! We had such a great week of celebrating! My husband was able to take off work for her birthday so we planned some fun activities for her! We started the day at My Gym (see our favorite places for more info). My Gym is one of her favorite places and we had a scheduled class. She of course had a blast and it was great that her Daddy got to see all the new things she has learned to do!
Birthday hat! |
We came home ate a quick lunch and decided to head to Lancaster County to the Hands on House. Took us a little longer to get there than we had expected and we got a late start, and we didn't quite realize we were in the middle of one of the worst floods in history! But we made it there and we had a great time! It was a bit smaller than I expected it to be, and it definitely required alot of parent supervision/explanation for a 2 year old. But the few exhibits/activities they had were pretty cool! We played for awhile, until we were told that their parking lot was flooded and we might want to think about getting our cars out soon. (Glad they warned us about this, cause they weren't kidding). An hour was about a perfect time for us to spend there anyway.
MY favorite part of the Hands on House, the giant Lite Brite |
The machine shop |
We then went to the Park City Mall to kill time for a little bit before meeting my brother and sister in law for birthday dinner at Bird in Hand Buffet. The food was so yummy, baby girl was a little to tired to even eat anything, but she of course made room for her cupcake. They sang Happy birthday to her too! She loved it!
Cupcake! |
I think she had a great day and had a ton of fun (at least I hope she did). It was definitely exhausting, but so worth it to see her smile all day! Happy Happy birthday baby girl! Mommy and Daddy love you! :)
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