The life of a Mom in Berks, Lancaster, Chester County, PA!

Friday, April 27, 2012

"A Cleaning What???"

That is pretty much what my husband said when I hung our new "cleaning schedule" on the fridge!!

We made it to 38 weeks! Still so unbelievable to me that any day now I will be a Mom of 2!  We had told ourselves for a long time that we were having 1 baby.  And now we are days away from having 2, and couldn't be more excited, nervous, tired, anxious, and every other emotion possible to feel!

I didn't realize how tired I actually am until I saw this picture! 38 weeks! 

However, being days away from being a Mom of 2 has also turned me into a crazy person nesting mommy.  I feel like there is so much planning to do, from who is going to clean the house, watch the dogs, watch my toddler, to what do I need at the hospital, is my house clean for whomever is staying here, is the laundry done, is the nursery ready, etc.  Just feel like I have been going nonstop and there wasn't much method to my madness.

So, in my very pregnant state of mind, I decided I needed a "cleaning schedule". Bahahaha. I know get a good laugh now.  But I needed to create one pretty much just for my sake of feeling sane and feeling like I will be able to clean my house and raise 2 kids at the same time.  So I did some searching online and used a few different resources to create a "schedule" that MIGHT work for our house. I based our schedule on the template shared by The Carolina Clipper.
And here is what I came up with....

We have just about finished up Week 1 and although it looks a little overwhelming at first, it has been easier to keep up with than I thought.  We were out running errands, at classes, or doctors appointments every morning this week and I was still able to get just about everything done.  I did have a little help in the vacuuming department this week though! That is the one thing I don't think I will ever be able to keep up with thanks to our dogs!

I know they are so cute :) Their hair is NOT! 

I decided to put the schedule in a page protector and use an expo marker to keep track of what has been completed throughout the week.  That way whoever might be here helping with chores after our baby boy arrives will know what needs to be done (aka my husband :) ) So far it has helped us stay a little more organized and get rid of some clutter that I normally would probably ignore and not clean up! I'll let you know if we can keep up with it! I'm sure I will be making changes as we go and probably add, move, change somethings, but it's a start!

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