Has TV taken over your life?? I have felt like my kiddo has been watching way to much TV lately. I have been allowing it more as this pregnancy is exhausting and I sometimes enjoy just sitting for a 30 minute cartoon. But she now will beg to "watch a show" several times a day. I have also made the mistake of turning the TV on, or playing a movie on my iphone for her while she's eating lunch or breakfast (mostly to get her to sit still for 5 seconds and actually eat something!) But I am now regretting some of these choices.
So of course as I browsed through Pinterest (while watching TV :) ) yesterday, I came across a pin of different ways to read more with your child, which led me to 10 Ways to Read More with your Child. The website has some great ideas for reading time, many of which were for independent readers, but others are great for all ages! The one that stuck out to me was number 8: Read to your child at mealtimes and snacktimes. So today instead of TV or Iphone clips, I decided to bring a few books to the table with our lunch. I read them to her while she ate, and to my surprise after we finished the small stack she asked me to read them all AGAIN!!! (I have to admit, I was really expecting her to say "Mom, can I watch a movie now?")
Can't wait to try some of the other ideas on the website! How do you incorporate reading into your day??
What are some of your favorite Toddler books! Here is one of our favorites right now: Ed's Egg By: David Bedford.
We actually got this book in a set with a few other fabulous stories from Alissa's Great Aunt for Christmas. My daughter is absolutely in love with them. I am not sure where she got the whole set, but here is a website link to the publisher where they sell many of the other stories we have. They also sell many of them on Amazon!
Happy Reading!
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