As I ended Day 3 completely discouraged, I contemplated what to do on Day 4. Should I keep following the "3 Day Plan", try something different, or try nothing at all? I decided to follow the same plan at home, but wear diapers when we went out. Here is how it went.
She woke up with a really full diaper, so when I took her to the potty first thing in the morning, I didn't expect much to happen. But after sitting for a few minutes she ended up pooping! To most people a poop would not excite you first thing in the morning, but to me it was probably the most exciting thing that could have happened! haha. We followed the plan with stickers, hurrahs, and flushing the poopy. I decided to follow the "naked" plan for the rest of the morning. Although, there were no accidents, there wasn't anything happening on the potty either. After a few hours, I knew she would have to go soon. So we went upstairs, sat for awhile, read some stories, played some iphone games, and finally some pee pee came out! woo hoo!
I thought she would be good to go for a little while after that, so I started gathering our belongings for a day at the pool. As I walked into her room to put her shoes on, I heard the dreaded noise of the drips falling VERY hard on the carpet. I cleaned up the mess explained that pee pee needs to go in the potty and then decided to put a diaper on her until we left.
Spent the afternoon at the pool where I decided to keep a swim diaper on her, wasn't sure I was ready to try and master the pool potty training, or did I think she was ready to use the potty's at the pool. I put a regular diaper on her to go home because she usually falls asleep on the way home, and she did.
After nap time, I decided to try a Pull-up diaper that I had bought awhile ago and forgot I had. Although it wasn't following Fellom's plan, I just felt it might work better for OUR plan. I continued to take her to the potty every once in awhile and sit with her for a few minutes until she went or wanted to get up. She kept the pull-up diaper dry for the whole evening and did all her business on the potty. She was also really excited about the pull-up diapers because they had a princess on them. So every time we pulled it down, I would tell her to show the princess how she goes pee pee on the potty. She thought it was funny. For us finding new ways to keep her interested in the potty has kind of helped us through the process. I had even reminded her tonight that we were going to My Gym tomorrow, and the first thing she said was "I take my potty with?" I was so surprised that she was thinking about her potty that much!
It was then bath time, and she usually is really good about going on the potty before bath. But tonight nothing came out. So she had her bath, I put her diaper and Pj's on and told her to pick out her stories. As I walked back in her room she said "Mommy, I go on potty." At first I assumed she wanted to take her stories there to read them, since we have been doing that ALOT lately. But just in case she really had to go I rushed her into the bathroom pulled jammies and diaper off and put her on the potty. She peed almost immediately. Although, there was a little in her diaper also, I was so so so so proud of her! As I went back in to start our story time, the phone rang and I quickly answered it. After about 5 minutes on the phone, I heard her say "Mommy, I go pee pee." I thought she might just be playing a game now, to get out of going to sleep, but just in case I was wrong, I hung up the phone, rushed her back to the bathroom and she sat on the potty. After about a minute she peed again! I couldn't believe it!
I was so proud of her and so glad I somewhat stuck to the program today! As I thought back, I realized this was probably really our "DAY 3" anyway because Day 1 was only a few hours of potty training. The day went really well, and the one accident was not nearly as discouraging as the 7 or more we had the day before. I wasn't sure how I would feel about using the pull up diapers, but I think they almost helped her a little bit. Before the pee would just start pouring on the floor, and she wouldn't know what to do. With the diaper on she feels the pee pee and realizes what is happening and that she has to get to the potty. I will still probably continue to use a combo of pull-ups and bare butt while we are home, and use diapers or pull-ups when we are out, depending where we have to go! We aren't quite there yet, but I am so glad to not being feeling so discouraged about potty training!
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