The life of a Mom in Berks, Lancaster, Chester County, PA!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Potty Train Your Toddler in 3 days: DAY 3

Day 3 had arrived! Was actually pretty excited about it at the end of Day 2. But didn't sleep much, and woke up feeling awful and not really in the "Let's get excited about the potty mood." But I knew we had to keep going. So here is how the day went as we started our Day 3 potty adventure!

When Alissa woke up we as usual, took the PJ's and diaper off , and as I did that I noticed that the diaper was warm and wet, so I assumed she had just gone in her diaper. So we didn't go right into the bathroom. I felt that I had been to pushy about going on the potty on Day 2, so I hoped to let her explore everything on her own. As I got myself ready for the day she was playing back and forth between her room and our room (naked of course). I heard her little feet walk into her bathroom, and then heard her yell "Mommy my stuff!!!" Wasn't sure what that meant so I went running to see what was wrong. She was indeed in her bathroom and Mommy hadn't put her potty back together after cleaning it the previous night and she apparently wanted to sit on it! I was really proud and happy that she headed into the bathroom on her own and was ready for the potty (unfortunately the potty wasn't ready for her). After I put it back together she sat there for a little while reading books. And went pee pee! Followed with the routine of hurrahs, excitement, stickers, and flushing her pee pee in the big potty!

After that I was feeling really optimistic about the day! We headed downstairs, potty in hand, and got some books and toys out to play with near the potty. She played while I made some breakfast, and I didn't prompt or say to much about going on the potty and she really didn't seem to interested in it. (This was completely different than Day 2, where all she wanted to do was sit on her potty). We ate some breakfast and I thought it might be good to have her try and sit on the potty again. She kept responding "No just play toys", so instead of making her sit down I let her play on her own. She stayed dry for most of the morning and maybe sat down on the potty once or twice, but didn't seem to have to go.

We even had time to play dress up while we waited for pee pee
As it was getting close to lunch time, I knew she would have to go again soon, but she really was wanting nothing to do with the potty. So instead of forcing it, I decided to just let her go there on her own. I gave her a few reminders, and then, although I should have known better, asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty. She of course said "No" and continued playing with her toys. About a minute later I hear the little drops falling on the hardwood floor, followed by "Uh oh, what I do?" I tried to follow through with the staying calm and not yelling about the pee pee, but as I looked over and saw the pee pee seeping through her toy basket and falling on all the toys she had out of the basket, I almost unconsciously let out a scream! Not really yelling at her, but just yelling cause the pee pee was falling all over the only things in the room that could not really be cleaned very well! I should have just gotten over it at that point, because the fun was just beginning.

To make a long day seem short, she pretty much had accidents all day long, she did go on the potty about 3 times. We had her sitting on the potty several times throughout the day and she just really didn't want to stay there like the day before. She seemed like she had lost her patience for "waiting for the pee pee" like we had on Day 2 which in turn also led to me losing patience. I only spent about 1/2 the time I did on Day 2 really pushing her toward the potty and trying to get her excited about being on it. I thought I was doing that too much on Day 2, but now that I'm reflecting on today's events, maybe I should have been as pushy today, although I am not sure it would have helped, as she seemed to have a different agenda anyway...

Our potty chart at the end of Day 3, happy that we at least have some stickers on Day 3!

Overall, today was a little discouraging. It was what I had pictured potty training would be. She was not excited about the potty at all, and I felt like I really had to pull teeth to get her to sit for a few minutes. Spent much of the day cleaning up messes. Now as the weekend ends and we don't plan on sitting in the house all week, I am a little worried about venturing out and whether to diaper or not to diaper and just pack a ton of extra clothes! I plan on continuing with the potty training at least when we are at home. I am not sure what my plan is for when we are out and about yet. She definitely doesn't seem like she is ready to tell me when she has to go pee pee at all. So we are taking a few steps back, but not going all the way back to the beginning. I also plan to try the more vigorous "Potty Train your Toddler in 3 Days" again, but think we might need to give it a little more time. We'll see how Day 4 goes, as I hope to continue with somewhat of the same plan for the next few days. I'll keep you posted!

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