The life of a Mom in Berks, Lancaster, Chester County, PA!

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Big News

We are expecting baby #2 on May 9th! We are so excited/nervous/anxious about having our 2nd baby.  Our first has been such a blessing and I could never have imagined all the joy she has brought to our lives! For a long time we had really planned on only having one little girl, as she was a little bit of a challenge as an infant (or we really just didn't have the knowledge we do now).  So we decided to let God take over and if it was meant to be it would happen. And it did! Very quickly! I can't say it was a surprise because we weren't "not trying", but I definitely didn't expect to get pregnant as quickly as a I did.  But either way we are completely overjoyed and I can't wait to be a mother of 2!!

We had our first appointment with our midwife last week, a different group of midwives than I had with my daughter.  I am hoping for a little bit different birthing experience than I had the first time around. I am hoping, now that I am a little more educated about everything, things will go a little smoother than before.  I have been given the OK so far for a VBAC and I am so completely excited about that.  Not only was I given the OK, but the new midwife did not understand why I would have needed a c-section with my first pregnancy.  So excited! We will see how things progress! But in the meantime, anyone have VBAC experiences or 2nd baby experiences to share! I would love any info! 

Recipe of the week: Cheddar-Baked Chicken

This week's month's recipe (sorry totally slacking on the blogs lately) is yummy chicken! I actually didn't find this recipe online, I decided to use one of the many cookbooks I have that I rarely open! This one is from the Easy Chicken cookbook that I got for $4 at Marshalls and has so many great recipes in it!

I can't really take credit for making this one, my husband actually did most of the cooking for this meal! :) And it was yummy! If you need a quick and easy dinner this would be it!

Cheddar-Baked Chicken

1 tbsp. milk
2 tbsp. mustard
1 cup grated Cheddar
3 tbsp. all-purpose flour
2 tbsp. chopped fresh chives (we used the dried version)
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts

Preheat oven to 400. Mix together the milk and mustard in a bowl.  In another bowl, combine the cheese,  flour, and chives.

Dip the chicken breasts into the milk mixture and coat evenly.  Then dip them into the cheese mixture to completely coat.  Place on cookie sheet and spoon any spare cheese coating over the top.

Bake in preheated oven for 30-35 minutes, until golden brown.

We were definitely scrounging for dinner options, but we added some sweet potato french fries and some cauliflower!  

Ok, so the picture in the cookbook looks so much better! 

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