The life of a Mom in Berks, Lancaster, Chester County, PA!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sweet Old Lady

My husband had to work ALL day today, so I made plans to run some errands with my baby girl. We ran some errands in the morning, had a nice lunch at Panera Bread, and came home for naptime. Ran a few more errands after nap, with our last stop being the grocery store. By the time we got there we were both exhausted from the long day and very ready for dinner. As we get in 4 person deep checkout line, I felt the exhaustion and hunger set in even more and so did Alissa. Then the sweet old lady in front of us turns around to talk to Alissa. She then asks me if Alissa is allowed to have a balloon. I wasn't sure what she meant exactly, I thought maybe she was going to get one down for her to play with for a few minutes and then I would have to pry it away from her. But I said "yes". She picked out a cat balloon and shared with us that she had just rescued a cat that day. She then said "let me pay for this and then you can have it sweetie.". It was so sweet of her! She handed it to Alissa, and the first thing Alissa said was " I Looove it mommy!" It was adorable, but I then reminded her to say thank you to the nice lady who gave it to her. She then says "that little man give it to me!" referring to the cashier since he had handed it to the lady. It was so cute and the nice gesture made us forget how tired and hungry we were. Amazing how something so simple can really make your day so much better! I talked with Alissa about buying something for someone else at the grocery store the next time we are there, to kind of "pay it forward" and help her understand that SHE is not going to get a balloon everytime we go to the store!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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