The life of a Mom in Berks, Lancaster, Chester County, PA!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

What's REALLY in your household products?

Had a brief ADULT (I know surprising) conversation the other day about what is in household products and cleaning products and the adult I was talking to had heard that some of these products were possible culprits for young girls "developing" faster than ever before.

I didn't start this conversation, nor had I done any research on the topic, but the person I was speaking with mentioned that carpet cleaners (mostly professional cleaners) and dish detergent were some of the worst products.

I will be completely honest, I have STILL have not done any research on this topic, as I am almost afraid to find out what is in my house!?! But of course the next day as I was loading the dishwasher, I stopped to look at the bottle of dishwasher detergent that we have to see what was really in it.  First thing I read "harmful if swallowed or put in mouth".  But we put it all over the dishes that we put in our mouth??  Granted it is rinsed (hopefully well) off the dishes in the dishwasher, that still made me think a little.  It also stated "Do not get on skin or clothing", but I guess just pray you have a good dishwasher that gets the stuff off of everything it washes??  And "Contains Bleach".  Maybe they all don't have bleach, but our particular brand happens to.  Maybe it's just me, but I am not sure I really want bleach all over my plate that I eat off of?

We have been having trouble with our dishwasher getting dishes clean, so if it can't get all the food off the plate, how is it guaranteeing that all the bleach and other chemicals are off of there too??

As I still have not done the research on this, it just seemed scary to me?  I plan to research it more, along with other household products before jumping to conclusions, but definitely makes you think a little bit!

Anybody do any research or have any info on this topic?

I hope to post an update if I find any interesting information!

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