The life of a Mom in Berks, Lancaster, Chester County, PA!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Candy Cane Science

Still have candy canes laying around the house? We had some how accumulated a ton of candy canes over the holidays. So when I found this candy cane pin on Pinterest, I thought it would be perfect!

It's a pretty basic "experiment" that was great for a 3 year old.

We filled our bowls with ice water, warm water, hot water, and vinegar. Made some predictions about what would happen to the candy canes in each bowl, then dropped them in. Nothing to fancy happened obviously, but the water changed color, the candy canes "melted" in the hot water, and "froze" in the ice water.

Then, we added some baking soda to the bowls and talked about the "bubbles" we saw in the vinegar, and why not the other bowls.

Then I let her stir/play with everything for a little, eat a candy cane, and she was happy (and hopefully learned a little science too :) )

Found this idea and a few other candy cane ideas at

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