The life of a Mom in Berks, Lancaster, Chester County, PA!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Letter of the Week: UPDATE

A few months back I shared this info about the "Letter of the Week" program I planned to start with my preschooler!

So here is a brief update on how it's going!

I started the program with her at the beginning of October, the same week she started preschool.  She only goes to school 2 days a week for an hour, so I decided to do some more work with her at home (and I secretly love doing this stuff, it's the one part of being a teacher I miss, TEACHING!)

We have almost made it through all the vowels so far and she is really enjoying it! She loves the excitement of finding what new activities are in her bin each day. And she has completely amazed me with how well she can do some of the activities.  Here she is enjoying a few of the Letter A activities:

Cutting Practice
Check out to print 

Do a Dot Letter A

Eating Apples while matching Capital and Lowercase letters

Letter A craft at the end of the week
I will admit, I wish I had a little bit more time to sit down and really work with her on some things.  But I have been trying to keep it fun for her, and well frankly, keep myself sane.  I usually have time to talk about the weather, review our Bible verse and Day of the week, explain to her what is in the bin each day, get her started, and then I'm usually off feeding the baby, making breakfast/lunch, or finishing up another chore.

It has been fun so far, and yes its a little bit of work and planning on my part, but since I had most of the materials prepared (up to letter F anyway, still have to work on the rest), I usually spend about 30 minutes on a Sunday night prepping all the bins for the week and there really isn't much work to do during the week (besides catch up on preparing materials for the rest of the alphabet).

If you have any questions about the materials or how we do "Letter of the Week", feel free to email me!

Most of the materials seen in the pictures along with more info about letter of the week can be found at

We are taking a break next week and we will be doing "Halloween Week" with Fall/Halloween Activities in our bins! Stay tuned as I hope to share some of the activities with you this weekend if you are interested in doing any of them with your kiddos next week!

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